01 March 2008

Getting dumped

Today it is going to snow. Do you know how much we are going to get? It starting to become a challenge to figure out exactly how much we are supposed to get. At this point of the year, any amount is too much.

I am listening to weather reports on the radio stations and they are all saying the same thing these days. I know that they all get their reports from Environment Canada and that the stations I am listening to are owned by the same company, but I am not interested in doing math to figure out exactly how much snow to expect.

They said today. Up to 2cm in the morning. 2 to 5cm in the afternoon with a winter storm advisory in the afternoon followed by 10 to 15cm overnight. Then another 2to 4cm the next morning.

So are we really expecting 16 to 26cm over the course of the day? Are they spreading the snow out over the day to give themselves something to talk about? Or would it be more sensational to talk about the Blizzard of `08! March is roaring in like a lion, but they are making it seem like it's a stuffed toy. Roar.

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